Mistake Proofing the Laboratory: An Industrial View. Clinical Laboratory Management Association. Webinar, December 2, 2009; American Society for Clinical Pathology. Annual Meeting. Chicago. October 29, 2009; Clinical Laboratory Managment Association. ThinkLab ’09 Conference & Exhibition, Tampa, Florida, Tuesday, May 5, 2009;
Reducing Errors in the Laboratory: A Lean System Approach. Clinical Laboratory Managment Association AudioLab Webinar. December 2, 2008.
Reducing Errors in the Clinical Laboratory A Lean Production System Approach. American Society of Clinical Pathologists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, October 19, 2008 – Details
Practice Management Institute: Reducing Error and Patient Risk in the Practice of Pathology College of American Pathologists Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, September 26, 2008 – Details
Reducing Errors in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: A Lean Production System Approach. Washington G2 Reports Laboratory Outreach 2008. June 18, Las Vegas, Nevada; College of American Pathologists Annual Meeting September 26, 2008, San Diego, California; American Society of Clinical Pathologists Annual Meeting, October 19, 2008 Baltimore Maryland; American Society of Clinical Pathologists Annual Meeting, October 20, 2007 the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel.
Improving Value and Reducing Errors: What does making automobiles have to do with your practice? Wentworth Douglass Hospital May 1, 2007 8:00 AM.
Strategies to reduce errors in the delivery of health care services: Lessons from the College of American Pathologists Q-Probes Program. Presented at the Conference on “Improving Hospital & Laboratory Safety” University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA. May 10, 11, 2006.
Reducing Errors in Surgical Pathology: an Industrial View. Lessons from the College of American Pathologists Q-PROBES Program and Summary of notes Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative: Perfecting Patient Care November 11-18, 2005 Baystate Medical Center, Springfield MA April 26, 2006.
Adapting industrial techniques to health care delivery. 49th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Medical Association, Zermatt, Switzerland, March 30, 2006.